"Your success speed must be quicker than your parent's aging speed."


Name: Mai Lan Phuong (call me Ninnin)
Birthday: 4/10/2005
Favourite subject: English, Mathematics
Favourite color: pink (girly ah :D)
Hobby: playing the piano, and music in general
Dream job: working for some kind of media agency
Ultimate goal: making everyone happy and optimistic
My website: The Magical Wonder

About myself:

-I'm terribly terribly ngựa.
-I'm an introvert.
-I hate being associated to "deadlines"
-Bò Cá 4 life
-Working in:
+Trưởng ban Truyền thông Đoàn trường THPT chuyên Lê Hồng Phong
+Leader of the BoD for mái ấm Ánh Sáng, part of the project "Đường Đến Tri Thức 18" - SUGAR Vietnam
+President LHP Harmonica Club
+Eunoia Project